The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton

511UzjnQVKL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Loved It
3 Liked It
1 Neutral
1 Disliked It
Hated It

• It was too obvious and of course each girl in the group was perfect. – Sarah
• It took me awhile to get into this book. It took me awhile to decipher between the characters. Overall, I enjoyed the friendship that developed between them over the years. – Melissa
• I had a really hard time getting into the story, keeping everyone’s names straight and just liking the characters. In the end, some of the history woven into the story was interesting but overall it was just OK. – Danica
• I enjoyed the story. I liked reading about how different things were for women such a short time ago! It is interesting to take a look back at the lives of women on whose we stand. – Kerry
• I enjoyed this book. It was obvious at times, but it was a very good-hearted story with interesting insight into five very different women at a time so different from today. – Carrie

Conclusion: Liked but not loved, the most interesting part of our conversation had to do with the woman’s history in this story and how far we’ve come because of the hard work done by that generation which happens to be our mother’s.

Reading Group Guide

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